http://www.eosrheametis.com.tw/contact.html EOS RHEA METIS, LTD. http://www.eosrheametis.com.tw/images/corpimg.png 5F, NO. 76, LN. 269, SEC. 3, ROOSEVELT RD., TAIPEI, TAIWAN $ 02-3365-2786 Eos Rhea Metis, Ltd. (ERM), established in 2012, is a network of experts for enterprise and engineering risk management. We work with exceptionally skilled professionals to provide premium risk management services customizable across industries to guard confidentially and exclusively the interests of our clients. ERM’s clientele includes government agencies, private sectors, and non-profit organizations in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, and USA.Our task forces, varying in sizes and subject expertise, are dynamically structured to provide technological excellence and address any raised concerns.  We always work together with our clients to formulate risk-based decisions and strive to meet business objectives effectively and efficiently.  Our motto is to manage risks to the greatest extent with minimum resources.All our risk management services are conducted in general compliance with international standards - COSO ERM 2017, ISO31000:2018, ISO22320:2018, ISO22301:2019, and ISO22361:2022.Eos Rhea Metis, Ltd. (ERM)成立於西元2012年,由一群企業風險管理及工程風險管理的專家組成,以最新的觀念與技術提供高品質的企業風險管理及工程風險管理服務。我們與具豐富實務經驗的專業人員及單位合作提供完整深入的客製化方案以滿足客戶的需求。我們的宗旨是專業整合最新的觀念與技術提供優質的風險管理服務並以最高的保密標準保障客戶的權益。我們的客戶包括在中國大陸、香港、台灣及東南亞的政府單位,私人企業及非營利組織。我們的專家團隊根據計畫在執行期間的特性,動態調整組織及專業來滿足客戶的需求。我們與客戶密切合作並協助客戶做成風險決策以達成企業組織的經營目標。我們的座右銘是協助我們的客戶以最少的資源管理最多的風險。我們的風險管理服務工作皆依據國際在實務上使用的標準執行,分別為COSO ERM 2017, ISO31000:2018, ISO22320:2018, ISO22301:2019, 及 ISO22361:2022 以確保服務品質的一致性。

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